There are lot many doubts prevailing in our mind regarding this topic. Sometimes we do accept the possibility of this things and sometimes we do ignore this all. Last night i had a healthy discussion on this topic and came to know great facts / Myths on this topic.
First let us define Ghost:-
It is considered to be a soul of any deceased person. It is believed that all humans cannot feel or sense such spirits but many of us would have experienced this. A widespread belief concerning ghosts is that they are composed of a misty, airy, or subtle material. Deceased people in the afterlife appeared same as they did before death, including the style of dress.
People have tried to contact the SPIRIT many times. The process of contacting the SPIRIT is known as "NECROMANCY". Necromancy is considered to the blackest of all the black arts or black magic.
Necromancy has two branches :- First is from the ghosts and second is with the help of corpses.
It is considered to be the dangerous practice. With this a dead body can be evoked. To evoke the dea
d the magician needs to obtain the help of powerful spirits, both for his own protection and to compel the corpse or ghost to submit to his will.
Certain religious practices—funeral rites, exorcisms and some practices of spiritualism and ritual magic- are specifically designed to appease the spirits of the dead. So this way or that we perform this rituals and again we do accept that this performance of rites does work.
It is believed that GHOSTS haunt particular location, objects or humans with whom they were associated in the past.
It is considered to be a soul of any deceased person. It is believed that all humans cannot feel or sense such spirits but many of us would have experienced this. A widespread belief concerning ghosts is that they are composed of a misty, airy, or subtle material. Deceased people in the afterlife appeared same as they did before death, including the style of dress.
People have tried to contact the SPIRIT many times. The process of contacting the SPIRIT is known as "NECROMANCY". Necromancy is considered to the blackest of all the black arts or black magic.
Necromancy has two branches :- First is from the ghosts and second is with the help of corpses.
It is considered to be the dangerous practice. With this a dead body can be evoked. To evoke the dea

Certain religious practices—funeral rites, exorcisms and some practices of spiritualism and ritual magic- are specifically designed to appease the spirits of the dead. So this way or that we perform this rituals and again we do accept that this performance of rites does work.
It is believed that GHOSTS haunt particular location, objects or humans with whom they were associated in the past.
Another important topic related to this is the topic of "PARANORMAL ACTIVITY".
Paranormal activities are those activities which lie outside the range of Normal experience and Scientific explanations. We are understand all this things only if we don't try to prove it Scientifically. If any activity is out of the scientific concept then it is considered to be as Paranormal.
We can find many stories related to this Paranormal Activity around us.
We have to think do all this things really exist? Is it True? Have u ever had any experience? PLs Share your experience over here..